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ARTUS 8 (oes)

The ARTUS 8 fulfils the requirement of proving fast, precise and accurate analyses for the perfect melt. It is one of the most powerful and reliable spectrometers, offering a complete range of analytical programs, including cast irons, steels with carbon and nitrogen, and all alloying elements and their traces needed for treatment.


It offers all the advantages of a flexible and versatile CMOS spectrometer. It even challenges some applications with classical photomultiplier systems, which are still the benchmark in high-end OES.


features of the artus 8

high performing oes metal analyser


Dual optical system design means the capability to detect elements far into the UV emission range such a P, Na, and Li.

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The lowest detection limits to detect even trace elements down to the smallest scales.

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Bespoke calibrations for a range of bases and alloy types.

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Cutting edge CMOS detector technology enables high resolution spectrum detection.

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latest whitepaper

Compare two of our instruments, the HELIUS XRF and the CALIBUS LIBS, both of our finest handheld analysers

Download XRF vs LIBS Whitepaper




Unit 16, The Brunel Centre, Newton Road, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 9TU

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